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NewSeat: An Innovative Careers Platform


NewSeat is an innovative platform that helps recent graduates and young jobseekers learn from decision-makers at large companies, building their professional knowledge and furthering their careers.

Tech: MongoDB, Express, React, React-Native, Node.js, Swift, Kotlin

UX/UI Refinement

While NewSeat had an established brand identity and a robust set of wireframes, our UX team worked to hem in the core product screens, creating a more intuitive user flow that better worked as a progressive web app, and not just static wireframes.

PWA Development

A complex, multi-tiered sign-up process representing multiple different user profiles and secure data storage required a robust but lightweight progressive web app. We took on both the front- and back-end development processes for NewSeat, building and deploying a turnkey MERN-based solution that put the tech behind the initial wireframes shared with us.

Messaging Platform

NewSeat's primary offering is access to insiders and decision-makers, so a clever messaging system was a must. We developed a platform that permits both private messaging and public, forum-style posting, along with the creation of custom groups and organizations.
